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yellow yams wholesale


(92 reviews)

We have white and yellow yams of various origins in stock. Fresh yams from Chinese, Africa and Carribean origins.

  • Availability In Stock
  • Shipping 03 day shipping. Free Pickup
  • Price $2500.00/mt
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Yams Wholesale & Retail

We have the best fresh yams in stock for wholesale and retail prices.

Yam Information

Yams are not only an excellent source of fiber but also high in potassium and manganese, which are important for supporting bone health, growth, metabolism, and heart function

These tubers also provide decent amounts of other micronutrients, such as copper and vitamin C.

Yam Review

A yam-rich diet significantly reduced colon tumor growth. These effects were associated with the antioxidants present in yams, suggesting that these tubers may protect against cancer